AI Powered Experiential Analytics For Service & Support

serviceMob is an AI-powered analytics platform designed specifically for Customer Service & Support for any industry. Our platform quantifies the customer experience in your data so you can actually optimize the service experience algorithmically. From frontline metrics to analytics models - serviceMob is the experience optimization suite for the modern service / support center.

serviceMob Analytics Performance Management Suite for Customer Service and Support. Customer Service Analytics Platform
Proven Results
Saved in Operation Costs

Reduce Product / Service Issues - Extracted Rework

Increase in Occupancy

Experiential Forecasting with Accuracy +/- 3% at IWP level

Reduction in Contact Rate

New Metrics - Contacts Per Resolved Experience (CPR)

Reduction in Abandon Rate

Clients experienced improved Shift Optimization

Why servicemob

Comprehensive Service & Support Insights

Advanced Tracking - Techcloud X Webflow Template

Continuous Service Intelligence

Focus with clarity on the most painful and prevalent issues facing frontline agents and prioritize the opportunities with business units causing the demand.  

Career Growth - Techcloud X Webflow Template

Actionable Analytics

Analyze the support journey with precision to identify opportunities for contact extraction, reductions to churn, and improvements to gross margin.

In Depth Monitoring - Techcloud X Webflow Template

Executive to Agent-Level Reporting

Gain unmatched visibility into customer service performance from the individual agent to the entire enterprise to improve Average Minutes Per Resolved Experience AMP(x).

Voice of the Customer Prioritization Model. Customer Effort Issue Prioritization Model.Customer Service Analytics. Customer Effort Index Model. Contacts Per Resolved Experience

A robust set of products

serviceMob sits on top of all the technology (often referred to as the Franken-Stack) of service/support centers. We unify the data of service across all platforms, allowing you a single solution to manage your analytics for service and support.

Performance Management

Measure performance of individual agents across the whole operation to improve business effectiveness and increase customer satisfaction.

Realtime Analytics - Techcloud X Webflow Template

Customer Effort Analytics

Determine true Resolution algorithmically across the customer support journey, unveiling a whole host of new KPIs based on customer effort.

Forecasting & Shift Optimization

No WFM tool can see repeat contacts and are unable to model their data experientially. Our forecasting is +/- 3% as a result of our experiential forecasting.  

Expert Advisory Services

Obtain in-depth expertise, helping you optimize your analytics, processes, and technology to drive better support outcomes.

Ready to get started? Book a demo today

serviceMob improves CSAT and NPS. Agent and Enterprise CSAT performance managementProductivity and Efficiency Optimization with serviceMob. serviceMob productivity insights
Frontline to Executive Insights

Designed to create accountability

Smart KPIs / Agent Scorecard

With granularized precision, agents not only see their contact efficiency, but now understand their effectiveness at reducing customer effort and improving service outcomes

Agent Level Customer Effort Model. Average Minutes Per Resolved Experience.

Performance Management

Know who to coach and why, improving the speed at which service/support leadership teams coach and develop frontline agents and their management teams.

Customer Experience Performance Management .  Omni Channel Observability


Monitor and retain continuous intelligence around the service experience to protect Lifetime Revenue, Churn, NPS, CSAT, and Gross Margin.

Performance Management Analytics. Enterprise  to Agent Level  Customer Effort Insights

Award-Winning Technology


Integrated with the tools you love + more

serviceMob is software agnostic - meaning we don't care which specific systems you use. We believe that data contains a wealth of insights and knowledge, but it tends to be scattered across many different systems, making it difficult to analyze. serviceMob gains a comprehensive view of operations by integrating with every essential customer service software tool in order to unify all of the data of service and, most importantly, uncover the wealth of data for analytics.

Security Trusted

Committed to the highest standards

We are SOC 2 Type 2 Compliant, which means we are certified and meet the highest standards of data privacy and security protocols